
Friday, September 24, 2021

Reading Task Today


  Today I have learned how to find the main meaning of  certain words by finding clues in the sentence. It is like my context but you can make your own sentence with the word your trying to find out the definition. I                                        had help from my teacher and I succeeded in all of my words. 



  1. Kia Ora DJ,
    I like how all your sentences are very complex and tell the meaning of the word. My favourite sentence is the one with the word Reluctant.
    Sometimes in our reading activity we have to find the meaning of words from the article that we are reading. I use Word hippo to help me find the definition if I did not know the meaning.
    Next time, instead of taking a screenshot of your whole page, you could just do the slideshow.
    Which word was the hardest to do?
    Stay safe.
    Zara @ Belfast School.

  2. Kia ora DJ
    Great task completion and show of complex sentences. By doing so, you show a greater understanding of your new vocabulary.
    Mr N


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